COVID-19 Advice for patients

COVID-19 advice for patients

Now we are able to see patients again, we must take extra care to protect both our patients and staff from contracting the virus and promote safe treatment in a safe environment.

COVID-19 information on your visit

Please ensure you take the time to read and understand any and all written information sent to you in advance of your appointment. Staff reserve the right to deny entry to the clinic or ask you to leave if safety, theirs or yours, is compromised in any way.

Once able to offer you facial rejuvenation procedures again, we want to ensure we provide a safe environment and a safe treatment whilst the population remains at risk from this virus we will be taking the following steps. These represent huge compromises for both us and you, but hopefully you can see the logic and are reassured somewhat by the new measures we are taking to in order to provide your treatment as safely as possible.

It is important to keep in mind, there are no known means to absolutely guarantee zero risk of transmission. 

Please do not hesitate to cancel your appointment; 

  • If you don’t feel well
  • If any of your family members have symptoms
  • If anyone you have been in contact with has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • If you are anxious and don’t feel safe to come.
  • if you have ANY symptoms at all, that are not normal for you, give us a call and we will advise. Don’t just come along and ask us when you get here. 

To keep contact time to a minimum, and to minimise the risk of transmission we will do the following;

Even familiar clients will have a remote consultation prior to attending, with your practitioner via video chat to discuss your treatment and answer any questions. 

We will also follow up in the same way. Please advise us if you have any privacy or confidentiality concerns.

Please wear a face covering to your appointment. 

Our apologies, toilet facilities will not be available to clients whilst these measures are required, as the additional cleaning protocol required would not be practical for staff. 

Talking during your appointment must be kept to a minimum, to reduce the risk of droplet transmission and also because talking is difficult for the practitioner whilst wearing a mask. 

Please do not wear any make-up to your appointment, it takes time to remove it and requires avoidable close contact. 

Please arrive on time. We are managing appointments very tightly to ensure only a minimal number of patients in the clinic at a time.

Please come alone, we will have no waiting facilities either for early arrivals or friends and family members. 

You will be met with a warm smile through a mask, but sadly, usual friendly greetings such as hand-shakes or hugs will be avoided. 

Please bring as little with you as possible, just essential items, leave unnecessary bags, coats etc at home or in your car. On arrival, you will be asked to put coats, hand bag, keys and phone etc in a crate which can be kept with you. Staff reserve the right to ask you to return unnecessary items to your car. 

If you think you will need a drink, please bring your own bottle of water. We think this will be safer for you and our staff.

On arrival you will be escorted straight to the treatment room. We will ask that you keep hands in your pockets or folded to avoid touching any surfaces. Doors will be opened and closed for you. 

Once you are in the treatment room you will be invited to wash your hands, following instructions. 

Your practitioner will have prepared the room, including disinfecting any surfaces before your arrival. They will be wearing a face mask, and apron and will wash hands and put on gloves before making any contact with you. 

Conversation is difficult whilst wearing a mask, so please understand we will not be as chatty as usual. We also need to keep contact time to a minimum, so whilst we won’t rush your treatment, we will endeavour to be as efficient as possible. 

If we need a signature from you, you will be sent the documents to read in advance (please make sure you read them). Please bring your own pen.

We are taking every available measure to manage risk to both our staff and patients. However, read the consent form very carefully, and be sure you are satisfied you understand and accept the risks and terms described. It is possible a further lock-down will be imposed and should that happen whilst we will, of course, look after you, we will be unable to see you and any assessment, management and support can only be provided by telephone or video call, remotely. Corrective procedures will be delayed until lockdown is released. If this risk is unacceptable you should not proceed with any treatment. No refunds or financial compensation can be offered for circumstances beyond our control. By booking a treatment you are accepting these risks and terms. 

If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to call and ask us.

Following your appointment you will be contacted again to follow up as advised by your practitioner and as agreed with you. 

Do the COVID-19 vaccines affect dermal filler? 

All vaccines and indeed, actual viruses, stimulate an immune response which can very rarely effect dermal fillers. These extremely rare immune reactions to dermal fillers are usually temporary and can be expected to settle spontaneously.

Patients who have had dermal fillers should not be deterred from having any vaccine but should report any concerning symptoms following the vaccine to their healthcare professional.

Patients should be advised dermal filler treatments should not be scheduled within 2 weeks prior to any vaccine and be postponed until 3 weeks following the booster in order to mitigate this risk and this advice applies to all vaccines including COVID-19.

Sarah and her staff have all received their vaccine, Sarah having the Pfizer vaccine and her nurse having the Astra Zeneca vaccine. They had no reaction at all, except a sore arm. They would encourage you to go get your jab!

Sarah Burns Orthodontics
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